Saturday, November 7, 2009

I'm back on track

I've had some lows and really didn't feel like posting anything these last few months. But I'm back now. The season started slow but positive notes. Competed in Montreal August 22nd, 09, Northe Bay October 17th, 09 and next one is November 14th, 09 in Mississauga.

I have no pictures for the first competitions since I went to the August one by myself and the North Bay one with François. he was coaching not taking pictures :)

Here are some of those results:

August 22nd in Montreal I didn't write all my results down and so I think I did something like 71 snatch, 84, 88, 90 clean and jerk with a total of 161kg. That was a good start to the season considering I cut a lot of weight for that meet. I let myself go a little over the summer.

Ray Hamilton Classic in North Bay: Snatch attempts 68, 72x, 73, clean and jerk attempts 85,89x,91x. Total 158kg in the 63kg category, this was positive in a way as training had not gone well lately. Negative because that was not attaining the goals I had set out for that competition and not the weight category I was planning for. Gotta work harder and get my life in order.

Now I'm getting myself ready for Ontario Open and the rest of the season. I will try to keep you all informed in a timely manner. My focus is starting to stabilize and my life is more stable now.

Thanks for the support so far! Please keep visiting my blog. And I really love having comments. It shows me that some people care. It's a lonely sport and it helps to see that I have support even if it's only a few words.


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